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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hil-Gle Technical Problems

For a “computer person” access to a computer is similar to access to a phone or television or pen and paper. It sort of sucks when such access shuts down. I may be out of touch for a week or so, due to such a problem. My computer, Mister Computer IV, which cost me close to three large and has never functioned up to expectations and has a tendency to overheat and otherwise melt down, is going through one of its little fits again and needs to see the doctor. Although I have other computers, updating anything other than the blog is out of the question.

So I am going to have Christmas greetings up for a little longer than I wanted. If this were a neighborhood, I would be fined for not taking down my lights.

When I return I will have a new feature on pulp kingpin Alex Hillman, which will replace my current cover story. I may have some updates about it here if I can pull it off. After that the next update will be to add the new game.

In any case, I may be gone for a while.

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