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Friday, March 17, 2017

WDMA Abilities Arsenal Update

mysterious appearance

This is the ability to mysteriously appear and disappear from the scene. No one knows how you showed up and no one knows where you went. You just appear when no one is looking and, after your done, disappear just as mysteriously. There are a number of characters in literary history who have had this ability and it can certainly be explained using other powers. We are describing it here as a power itself, a modified version of CLOAK and TELEPORT. As such it is limited to arriving and departing a location, exclusively and exclusively by yourself.

Mechanics:  This ability cost 20 points flat and must be linked to a level. The power is limited to three applications per day. Each venture to and from a set location counts as an application. The power is not intended for use in combat or within a location the user has already appeared at. The power is limited, within reason, to making an appearance and a disappearance.

The range of this ability is limited in three ways:

A.    The location has to be a place that the character can conventionally get to. Or otherwise get to with another ability. If the character normally drives places or walks or takes mass transit, then the location has to be within reasonable distance from where the user started. He can’t mysteriously appear on the moon or another planet or the gates of an underwater city. By contrast, if the user is also endowed with another travel ability such as FLIGHT, SHADOW POWER or FTL TRAVEL, he could mysteriously appear at any location those powers can get him into reasonable proximity of.
B.    The user needs to know where he’s going. He either has to have been there before or at least have specific concrete knowledge of the location.
C.    The ability’s range of effect is limited to that of the people (or observers) at the scene that he is arriving at or departing from. It covers the entire distance of what they can see or perceive at the location. If you’re sneaking up on a place or sneaking out of it, no one can see you. And it doesn’t matter what they are looking for you with.

Once the user gets within the perception range of the location, he becomes entirely undiscernible. At the point when he gets to his appearance location, the user has the ACT in actions before he has to reveal himself. Speaking, attacking, moving something automatically breaks the spell of invisibility. You also get some special effects with this reveal phase. You appear in a puff of smoke, an owl-like shadow forms and out you step or whatever your concept calls for. Depending on circumstances, the user will either win initiative outright or have a considerable bonus to his roll.

Once you have arrived, there is no more vanishing until you choose to leave. The user can simply vanish or vanish into a cloud or walk into a mirror or whatever neat-o exit stunt his player comes up with. And no one at the location will be able to find the user nor track him from the location in which he vanished.

All of that said, the effect of this power starts to fade the further away the user gets from the location he appeared at. While a tracker may not be able to pick you up from the location itself, if they choose the right direction, they may find evidence of your previous presence further out.

Persons endowed with PRECOGNITION, 6th SENSE and ESP are immune to the effects of Mysterious Appearance. People with certain Psychic abilities may be able to track the user from the location.  Persons who are also endowed with Mysterious Appearance are also immune to its effects—to the degree that they can possibly intercept or track another person who is using this ability.

Additions to Power

Breaking In: Allow the user to appear in a sealed area or beyond a locked barrier. But the user may only be just past the barrier. Only areas protected by some powers are immune to this. Otherwise this seeming conditional short range teleport is automatic. Cost 10 points.   

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