With some luck our sales portal for Weird Detective Mystery
Adventures should be live by the time Windy City Pulp and Paper Convention
starts next week. In the meantime, we will be selling our paperback and
prototype hardbound editions at conventions through the summer. Both of these
editions are offered at a special Show Only price of $30.00. We have a limited
supply on hand and once they are exhausted, neither of the editions will be
available again.
Our production hardbound edition will be available only here through the web at our www.WeirdDetectiveMysteryAdventures.com website. This edition features a full color cover, is 500 plus fully illustrated pages, and is casebound. We believe that this format is as durable as our paperbacks with the added feature of a hard cover.
$47.95 Including Free Shipping to the Continental United States
Persons living outside of the contiguous lower 48 please
contact us and we will make accommodations for your delivery.
We will also be distributing the production hardbound edition
direct to stores. Please contact us at Sales@HIL-GLE.com
and we will respond with details regarding our attractive wholesale program.
Persons wishing to purchase a paperback copy may also
contact us at Sales@HIL-GLE.com. We will hold to the $30.00 price point with a
nominal add-on for shipping.
Our two other projects are moving along well, and we should
have details about them soon.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Windy City
Pulp and Paper Convention May 6th, 7th and 8th
at the Westin Hotel 70 Yorktown Center in Lombard IL 60148. We will be in the
dealer room. As with all of our tour stops this year, we will be running a
I have attended the Windy City Pulp and Paper Convention for the past ten years and have always found it to be a great time. It’s one of the few places where one can find pulp reference works and facsimile editions for sale. There’s also lots and lots of pulp magazines and other genre related materials. Our table will also be selling back issue comic books.
The hotel itself is very clean and in a safe area. It is on
a pad site in the Yorktown Shopping Center, to the east of the main mall.
Parking is free, nearby, and ample. You will get rained on. It’s Chicago in
early Spring and Spring is cruel here.
The www.WeirdDetectiveMysteryAdventures.com
website will be expanding soon. Pages will include changes to rules or rule
expansions, scenario briefings and an ongoing project defining all of the public
domain heroes in both historic and player character versions. While we have no
intention of making our core rules obsolete through provisioning nifty
expansions (and then scrapping them to make a new edition), there are a few
additive features which we left out. With the exception of typo extermination,
the core rules are fairly set.
Sadly, our venerable HIL-GLE site is beyond salvaging. I can
replate it, but the previous content will be lost. I believe its future is as
our wholesale and distribution site. The majority of its features I will port
into this blog and then reconstruct the other pages as time goes by.
This blog will return to a less hype focus in due time. Thank you all for your time and
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