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Saturday, June 13, 2009


After fits and starts, I have found a new host for my previous pages and a home for this material going forward. My choice was to migrate WDMAonline and the Modern Thrills site to yet another free domain or to bite the bullet and claim for myself a place wherein only my spam ads will appear. The free page hosting option was attractive for obvious reasons, however I am now on my third generation of free hosts and the whole thing has been going downhill since the first. First, they want to play hide the baloney with the thing, essentially burying it amidst increasingly more obtuse extensionology. Oh, and NO SEARCH ENGINE EVER will find it, no matter how directly it might be sought. Then, they covertly or overtly entice you to spalterize the whole thing with click through ads. The best part of this is that most of your “ads” are for how to make money with click through ads—seemingly the modern version of the old envelope stuffing scheme. Finally, someone in computer land figures out that giving away server space is not exactly a way to make money and pulls the plug on the whole thing—generally without telling you. Or they give you these opt in or opt out options, both of which amount to the same thing, to wit:

Dear Internet Screed Writer In Basement or On Public Library Terminal:

The half life of our half hearted egalitarian web space incentive has now decomposed due to our sudden realization that continuing to offer such constitutes a not possible to monetize segregation of the capital we scandalously raised as a result of being a public trust company. In keeping with our fiduciary duties to all of those many actual paying stakeholders, we are kicking you right in the crotch. Perhaps twice. Before going on, we would like to say that the internet is about content. There, we said it. Speaking of content, we intend to move yours to an electromagnetic orbit equivalent to beyond the now reclassified area of Pluto, only with more rocky obstructions. If you, skinflint, acquiesce to this mangling and mortification, do nothing. Some sort of thingy we haven’t really thought out yet will move your site to a new vestigial dot land that the sun has never and will never shine upon. We have randomly renamed and rearranged all of our previous web tools so that you can transform your current work into complete gibberish with about two clicks. In no way does our doing this constitute any intentional effort on our part to abdicate commitment to community access. We have contracted out for that. Alternatively, you can attempt to download the code from your current site and then manipulate it in such a way as you might if you were to simply retype the entire thing from your own addled memory. In either case, best of luck! See our FAQ for more information. Feel free to make your own contribution to the global demand for slave labor by contacting us via email or whatever, loser. Goodbye to you and all you stand for!

Given that I am a cyber mooch (and overall penny pincher), I normally take these things in stride, but recently the shelf life of the freeloading hosting offers has been in exponential decline. Even a person with a sharecropper-like lifestyle has only so much free time. So I mugged the couch for change.

(By the way, Ben & Jerry’s new One Cheesecake Brownie ice cream tastes like cream cheese and pencil eraser. First time they have ever disappointed me. I am not a picky eater, either. Damn. I hate to kiss off $3.49, but this is wretched.)

Not that I am entirely sure what I am receiving in exchange for all of my gumball money going into the foreseeable future here. Per the agreement I cyber signed and pay pal paid, I have my own domain for ‘up to’ a year during which time they can kick it around at whim and treat it like it has cooties. It leaves a lot to be desired as vanity purchases go.

And they asked me what I intended to do with it. I would have typed ‘Praise Obama’ if I thought it would get me a discount, trust me. There really wasn’t a check down category for ‘write about pulp magazines’—and I did check—so I listed ‘I don’t know’ as the option and ‘publishing’ as my category. I intend to use this as a place for my previously published fiction and any new history pieces. (Plus the odd humor and fraud alert work.) I have been told that us fiction writer types have to have a website of some sort. I wonder what they are going to tell us next? Oh, “promotion, promotion, promotion.” Right! If I was actually good at that I would have a much better gig than writing. Between writing for other venues and, of course, my sharecropping/vow of poverty, I only have so much time.

I would have gone with Modern Thrills as the website name, since that is what I have been calling it, but there is a lady in Germany who has had that DOT.COM for the past ten years. (It’s all her snap shots from suburban Germany. Looks like a nice place.) Using NET or TV or whatever simply smacks me as wrong or whiney or pornoy. My other choices, OperatorError and TechTard, seemed off topic and a tad too self-referential. I have been using Hil-Gle for various ventures for some time, which is both short and memorable.

DOES AND OATS: a History of Western Romance Pulps is now up on HIL-GLE.COM as is a short offering on Under The Counter Pulps. Both of these will eventually be on the website’s own pages, as will Real Nazi Sex UFO Man-Eater Cults when it is finished. After that, I intend to start moving over more of my content, hopefully before the previous provider converts the base code into chartreuse cuneiform. Weird Detective Mystery Adventures will be the last to move, inasmuch as it is huge, has many imbedded illustrations and as such, is the largest pain in the rear. (And requires the most technical ability with the new system. Which I do not currently posses.) I intend to get this done before my level of frustration grows to the point that I am motivated only to breath and eat.

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