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Saturday, August 26, 2017

WDMA Abilities Arsenal Update

bAG of Tricks

Persons endowed with this power are capable of sprouting a variety of skills, weapons, tools and powers. This power is somewhat similar to ALTERATION and MAGIC POWERS. It is a flexible power, allowing the character access to nearly every defined ability in the game, albeit on a limited basis. Its primary limitations are that the effects of the created object or ability are limited to one action of function or one specific task and that the various tricks must be configured in advance. Beyond flexibility, one of the key advantages to this ability is that its effects can be bestowed on others. This is meant to simulate the abilities of those characters who can come up with an answer to any problem, such as Mad Scientists, fantasy Wizards and certain cartoon characters. How the bag manifests itself is up to the player’s character concept. It can be one thing, such as a magic lamp or a carpet bag, or it can be many things, such as scrolls, a chemistry kit, a group of interchangeable parts. Limitations on what the bag can produce should reduce the power’s cost, but no theme or limits are required.

Mechanics: This power cost 75 points plus SAVE. This creates the ACT plus SAVE in Bag Points which may be used to create applications. Additional Bag points may be purchased at a cost of one allocation point per Bag point. The power may be used to create up to the ACT in separate applications. Additional application slots cost 25 points each.

  • With the exception of some at whim abilities, defined below, the user has to set up the powers stored in his Bag of Tricks in advance. Once configured, the Bag Points are spent and the power awaits deployment. Configured applications may be stored indefinitely. They may also be given to others (in whatever form the player’s character concept calls for) to be used at a later time.
  • The abilities function as the user has defined them, no matter who is using the ability. That said, attacks would be at the possessor’s ACC level.
  • Bag Points recover at their rate of deployment. The user’s Bag Points recharge as the applications are spent, returning points to the Bag at the end of the application’s function. Bag Points used to create applications are unavailable for configuration. Each application created subtracts from the Bag Point total.
  • Applications take time to set up. Each configuration takes the Bag Points spent on the application divided by the ACT in minutes plus ten minutes to make ready.
  • Unspent Bag Points may be used to negate damage to the user at a ratio of 1 Bag Point for every 3 points of damage negated or 1 Bag Point for every dice of damage reduced. 

The Bag Points may be used as follows:  

  1. Temporary Skill Creation: Cost in Bag Points is equal to the Skill level’s SAVE total. The user may also raise the level of an existing skill by 5 Bag Points per level. Entitlements cannot be created. The cost of Professions or Uncommon Skills does not have to be allocated for. The skill last for the duration of one specific task.

  1. Temporary Power Creation: Define the power as if the Bag Points were allocation points. Powers which are essentially attacks last for one use. Powers which are defenses or travel powers last the ACT in actions. Most other powers will last the duration or one task or up to the SAVE in actions. The ACT and SAVE referenced refers to the level Bag of Tricks is endowed with, not the level endowed to the created ability.

1.    Some Abilities Cannot Be Simulated: The power may not simulate abilities which also simulate other abilities. You may not simulate ALTERATION ability. Powers which have compound functions may be simulated, but the user only has access to one of the functions. The power may not be used to simulate BAG of TRICKS, BOOST, CREATION, IMPROVISATION, LUCK SURGE, MANIC STRIKE, MAXIMISE EFFECT, OVERDO, PANACEA, POWER EXPERTISE, RAY of DOOM, SUMMON, TRANSMUTATION, VETO (Judge may allow VETO in times of crisis), WHAMMY, WISH, WONDER POWER or (found in PSYCHC POWERS) DIVINE INTERVENTION and METAPHYSICS.

2.    There are Special Rules for the simulation of MAGIC POWERS, TRICK WEAPON and UTILITY BELT.

MAGIC POWERS: Cost in Bag Points for creating an application which simulates any element (or spell) found in the section is 20 points or the listed cost. May not create Constructs. May not simulate Flexible Make Up or Magic Attacks. Otherwise bound by the rules for temporary power creation.

TRICK WEAPON: Applications cost 20 Bag Points each. Is always the standard application.

UTILITY BELT: Cost 5 Bag Points per object produced or function accessed, but do not count against the number of application slots, nor do they have to be configured for in advance.

  1. Produce Common Items: The user can produce any common weapon, tool or object—or just emulate their effects. Producing the object costs 5 Bag Points. Emulating the effect, as in having a blast of machinegun fire appear from the user’s fingertips, cost 10 Bag Points. These items do not have to be configured in advance and do not take up an application slot. Created items are bound by the same rules as any temporary power created.

  1. Produce Equipment: User can only produce a SUPERCAR, UNITILE or CUSTOM VEHICLE if it has been purchased separately with allocation points. Keeping such handy to simply whip out takes up an application spot. Any other vehicle may be simulated using Bag Points as Equipment Points. This includes equipment listed in WORLDWIDE ARMAMENTS. The equipment produced will exist for a given task or up to the SAVE in actions. Moreover, the user will temporarily have the skill to operate the equipment for the duration of the task.

  1. Predetermined Equipment: The user is free to make up a piece of equipment. The cost in Bag Points is equal to the ACT of Basestat levels endowed. It otherwise uses the same Bag Point costs mentioned in this listing. Each piece of predetermined equipment takes up one Bag of Tricks slot. The functioning of predetermined equipment is not limited to a specific task or time frame, but it does have to have some limitation. (The standard limitation is that the effect is produced by a device in the character’s base.) The intention of this rule is to help fill in character concept details, not gift the character with unlimited uses of any power he desires. All Predetermined Equipment must be approved by the judge in advance. Each piece of Predetermined Equipment costs at least 10 Bag Points.

EXAMPLE: The user wishes to create a device which will answer his phone and actually carry on a conversation. This is essentially an extranormal version of a standard voicemail. The only Basestat it needs to have attributed is its IQ. Our user chooses level Skilled, at a cost of 3 Bag Points.

EXAMPLE: The user carries around a box of little plastic army men who, when activated, will fight as a miniature army unit. They scale obstacles, hurl mini hand grenades, shoot tiny guns, sweep for mines and call in airstrikes. The unit comes complete with a jeep and a little mini helicopter and a tank. The user would have two choices for defining his animated toy soldier troop. He can use Bag Points to purchase MASTER of the UNIVERSE or, alternatively, use the point structure found in the following two sections, Bag Attack and May Create Boosts to Basestats. The judge should allow some wiggle room for the concept itself. The little trooper’s abilities to operate equipment, scale objects and radio back information do not need to be accounted for.

EXAMPLE: The user has a base full of equipment which performs various different functions. He has a teleporter, a super computer and an array of scientific scopes and devises. The equipment is defined using the Bag of Points costs for the powers and abilities. Only those basestats necessary  for defining the device need to be allocated for.

  1. Bag Attack: The bag can just sprout weapons and produce its own attack. What exactly the bag is shooting or projecting can be determined at whim. It is exclusively a damage causing power and the cost is per attack. This ability does not need to be pre configured. It eats Bag Points but does not take up an application slot. The cost in Bag Points is as follows:

Damage and/or Tangle inflicted
Minor Damage: 1 point. No stacking.
Major Damage: 20 points. No stacking.
BASESTAT ACT in points: 1 point per
BASESTAT SAVE in points: 5 points per.
BASESTAT ACT in dice: 25 points per.
BASESTAT SAVE in dice: 50 points per.

Range (to target)
BASESTAT ACT in meters: 5 points per.
BASESTAT SAVE in meters: 15 points per.
BASESTAT ACT in tens of meters: 40 points per.
BASESTAT SAVE in tens of meters: 80 points per.
BASESTAT SAVE in thousands of meters: 120 points per.
BASESTAT SAVE in tens of thousands of meters: 300 points per.

Area of Effect
Half ACT in meters: 10 points per
Half SAVE in meters:. 15 points per
ACT in meters: 20 points per
SAVE in meters: 30 points per
ACT in tens of meters:  200 points per
SAVE in tens of meters: 300 points per

  1. May Create Boosts to Basestats: Applications may be configured as Bag Points allow for and may include boosts to several statistics, however each individual application takes up one slot. And each application can only be applied to a single target. The costs are as follows:

Movement (increased for BASESTAT ACT in actions)
Increases character’s MPS by BASESTAT ACT in meters: 10 points per.
Increases character’s MPS by BASESTAT SAVE in meters: 30 points per.
Increases character’s MPS by BASESTAT ACT in tens of meters: 40 points per.
Increases character’s MPS by BASESTAT SAVE in tens of meters: 80 points per.
Increases character’s MPS by BASESTAT SAVE in thousands of meters: 120 points per.
Increases character’s MPS by BASESTAT SAVE in tens of thousands of meters: 300 points per

Increases character’s REC by BASESTAT ACT for BASESTAT ACT in actions: 5 points per.
Increases character’s REC by BASESTAT SAVE for BASESTAT ACT in actions: 15 points per.

Increases character’s DEFL by BASESTAT ACT for BASESTAT ACT in actions: 10 points per.
Increases character’s DEFL by BASESTAT SAVE for BASESTAT ACT in actions: 25 points per.

Increases character’s HTK by BASESTAT ACT for BASESTAT ACT in actions: 10 points per.
Increases characters HTK by BASESTAT SAVE for BASESTAT ACT in actions: 30 points per.

Alternative Powers

BOOSTER: In this variation, the user is only endowed with E. Bag Attack and F. May Boost abilities. User’s unspent Bag Points may be used to negate damage as above. Applications may be created at whim, so there are no application slots. Cost 25 plus SAVE. Additional Bag Points may be purchased at a cost of one allocation point each.

VERSI TRICK: In this variation, the user lacks attributes C. Produce Common Items, D. Produce Equipment and E. Bag Attack. Powers created may only be deployed by the user. Cost 45 plus SAVE. Additional Bag Points may be purchased at a cost of one allocation point each. 

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