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Saturday, February 25, 2017

WDMA Abilities Arsenal Update

Chemical Blast

Persons gifted with this ability have the power to project a substance of some sort from their body which can either cause damage or tangle a target. This is essentially the same power as NRG Blast except that it can be used to tangle a target as well as cause damage.  This substance can be anything from a stream of sticky webbing to a blast of cherry pits.

Mechanics: This power’s allocation cost is 25 plus SAVE. Options follow.

  • Minor Damage: Changes power cost to a flat 10 points if this is the only damage the power does.
  • Major Damage: Cost 20 points. May not be added to or combined with other damage.
  • ACT in dice: Included in standard cost. Additional dice of damage cost 2 points each up to the linked SAVE in dice. Cost is 4 points per each dice of damage in excess of the SAVE.

Tangle: Chemical Blast can inflict damage or tangle. (Tangle is calculated the same as damage.) On any action this ability is deployed it may inflict either damage or tangle, but not both.

  • Range= ACT in meters: Free.
  • Range=SAVE in meters: 10 points per addition.

Area of Effect: Power does not have to have an area of effect. Without aoe, power is considered single target.
  • AOE=ACT in meters: 45 points cost per application.
  • AOE=SAVE in meters: 75 point cost per application.

Additions to Power:

Limited creation ability: Power can be used to create gobs that block or coat doors, simple ramps, swing lines or nets. 20 point flat rate cost.

Double Shot: It costs an additional 40 points if power does both Tangle and Damage at the same time or can be used to make two attacks per action. When used to make two attacks per action, one attack does damage and the other tangle. Uses same bonuses as damage above.

Alternative Powers:

ACID BLAST: Defined as above, but damage is calculated as follows:
Damage: ACT plus SAVE in points. Does half damage every action for half the ACT in actions. Additional ACT plus SAVE in points of damage 25 points.

Mechanics: Costs 30 points as an addition to CHEMICAL BLAST or 10 plus SAVE as a power on its own. As its own power, does not have tangle. Additions are the same as CHEMICAL BLAST.

POISON BLAST: Damage is as per ACID BLAST above. Target’s successfully hit are also inflicted with a toxin. Roll to effect target uses linked level as the active level and target’s CON as the defending level. (Or target can make stunt roll, reversing order of levels.) Affected targets take initial points in damage for the next ACT in actions. Damage bypasses DEFL score.

Mechanics: As an addition to CHEMICAL BLAST cost 35 points. As a separate power, cost 25 plus SAVE. As its own power, lacks the Tangle function. Uses the same defining terms as CHEMICAL BLAST.

PLAGUE BLAST: Damage and range is as per CHEMICAL BLAST above. This is the ability to blast someone with a chemical agent which is also a contagious disease. Inflicts the same initial damage as CHEMICAL BLAST. On the target’s next action, they must succeed in a stunt roll using the target’s CON against PLAGUE BLAST’s linked level. Failure inflicts an additional ACT in points of damage immediately and causes the target to lose levels in ACC and DODGE at a rate of one level per action. Once the target is at Below Average in both ACC and DODGE, the target breaks out in a sweat and becomes violently ill. HTK is reduced to zero.

Plague Blast also spreads, potentially effecting everyone within ACT in meters of the target. Persons within ACT in meters are entitled to a stunt roll using their LUCK as the active level and Plague Blast’s level as the defending level. Should the other people fail, they suffer the ACT in points of damage immediately and will suffer through the same effects as the target. (They are entitled to the same stunt roll to resist on their next actions.)

Plague Blast’s effects last at least ten actions. After ten actions, the judge should roll two dice per each target. Any roll of doubles indicates that the effect will last the result in days. All other results are additional actions of duration.

Untreated, Plague Blast will kill a normal person if it has a duration in excess of two days. Targets or other impacted parties endowed with a CON level of Mutant or higher are entitled to a stunt roll to throw off the effects of Plague Blast every action. Success indicates that the duration of the effect has expired, but does not heal damage. Targets will regain lost levels of ACC and DODGE at a rate of one per action.

Persons endowed with BODY CONTROL and CONTAINMENT (and perhaps some other powers) are immune to the effects of this power.

As an additive to CHEMICAL BLAST this power costs 45 points. As a power taken on its own, it cost 45 points plus the linked SAVE.  For 100 additional points Plague Blast can spread to anyone within the ACT in meters of any person currently suffering through the duration of the illness. (Great way to wipe out a room.)

Note: If either POISON BLAST, ACID BLAST or PLAGUE BLAST are taken as additives to CHEMICAL BLAST ability, they become options like tangle. The power will only be able to fire one option at a time. (Two options if that additive is allocated for.)

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