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Sunday, February 26, 2017

WDMA Abilities Arsenal Update


This is the power to hide one’s presence from the sensory perception of others. Whether the user is invisible, very well camouflaged or mentally commanding others to ignore them is up to the character concept.

Mechanics: This power cost 25 plus SAVE.

Under normal circumstances it will seem as if the user is not there. His/her actions are masked from view, although the results of those actions may not be. As long as the user is careful, no one is likely to simply blunder into evidence of his/her presence. The user’s actions or circumstances in general may, however, tip others off.

If the user speaks, operates equipment or launches an attack, others will at least know someone or something is near. Normal people with normal senses (a PERC rating of Heroic or less) have next to no chance of spotting the user. At best, they can search in the direction of where they heard or saw something.  If  the user decides to linger in the same spot after giving himself/herself away, they are fair game for being targeted at their normal DODGE level.

When it comes to opponents with SUPER SENSES, the user is also immune to casual observation, but stands a good chance of being spotted if actively looked for or if in an area which is being actively searched. The user is, after all, still taking up space and the results of their movements—air disturbed, foot prints, objects overturned—are not concealed by the power. In short, Cloak has situational limitations.

The standard stunt for a person with SUPER SENSES to spot a Cloaked person uses the observer’s PERC as the active level and CLOAK’s kevel as the defending level. Should the observer have more than one SUPER SENSE power, they are entitled to a Conditional Advantage of +1 for every enhanced sense. Should the observer’s stunt roll succeed, he/she is granted a Conditional Advantage of their PERC ACT on all other rolls to spot the user. A stunt roll needs to be made to spot the user on every action.

Persons with normal senses who have been clued in to the user’s presence, will only detect the user on a roll of doubles, other than double ones. Otherwise random detection requires a roll of two sixes. A person with SUPER SENSES will only casually blunder across the user if they roll against Omega.

Similarly, someone attacking a person whose location is only partially known will only hit on two sixes. A SUPER SENSE endowed person will hit on a roll of doubles other than two ones.

The power is assumed to conceal the user’s entire form and outline, including clothing, weapons and tools normally carried.

Power Additions:

Contact Concealment: Extends Cloak to a mass of objects equal to the user’s own, provided that it is in direct contact with the user. This cloaks found objects that the user may decide to carry, including immobile comrades. Cost 10 points. Extends to the user’s vehicle and everyone inside it. Cost 20 points. (Amazon Girl option: Cloaks only the user’s vehicle but not the user and not the people inside it. A cropped version of Cloak. Cost is 10 points plus ACT.)

Bestow Invisibility: Cloaks another person or an object. When used on an object, it effectively imparts a one time application of the power DISPLACEMENT. (The object is cloaked until it moves or performs some action.) When used on another person, requires the target to remain within the power’s ACT in meters from the user.

Should the target stray from the ACT in meters from the user, the user has two options for continuing to conceal the target. (1) The concealment continues under the rules of DISPLACEMENT. Once the DISPLACEMENT is broken, it may not be reapplied for at least one action. (2) Continue the target’s concealment under Cloak’s terms, but at the cost of the user not being able to use the ability on himself.

Mechanics: The same as Cloak or Displacement, as applies. Cost 40 points. Additions follow.
  • Range to apply power to target: ACT in meters. Cost ACT in points to add SAVE in meters.
  • Range to maintain DISPLACEMENT: Unlimited. It is, however, a one time use.
  • Range to maintain CLOAK: User must be able to somehow sense the target. The target’s cloak does not impair the user’s perception.
  • Power only works on one target: Each additional target that the user can actively DISPLACE at any one time. Cost 20 points. Each additional target that the user can actively CLOAK. Cost 40 points.

Omega Cloak: As Cloak above, but bestows a defending level of Omega against being detected. Costs 70 points minus Cloak’s linked SAVE.

Ultra Cloak: As Cloak above, but the user can only be detected on a roll of doubles. Cost 100 points. Doubles the cost of Bestow Invisibility.

Super Cloak: As Cloak above, but the user can only be detected on a roll of two sixes. Cost 200 points. Doubles the cost of Bestow Invisibility.

Perfect Cloak: Cloak assumes that there are situational and active methods of thwarting it. Area of Effect attacks can occasionally reveal the user, simply through the displacement of debris. Another common tactic is to douse the user in paint or powder. In the standard version of the Cloak Power, any foreign substance covering the user would start to fade away within a few actions. The Perfect Cloak option prevents such active methods from seeming to work. Although the user is still covered in paint, the paint will become immediately invisible, thus not revealing the user. The paint will also seem to have splattered in a normal pattern around the user. Cost 50.  

Note: There are a number of powers which can be applied to thwart Cloak.

Alternative Powers

CAMOUFLAGE CONCEALMENT: This is an area of effect, conditional version of the CLOAK ability. Possession of this power enables the user to disguise his own presence as well the presence of nearby allies.

Mechanics: Power cost is a flat 10 points. This ability has an area of effect equal to the level’s ACT with the user at the center of the effect. In order to function, no one within the effect can move or make noise. The moment an attack is launched from the concealed area, the power’s effect is cancelled. The user is free to deploy this ability at any time the conditions for its use are met, but its utility declines once opponents have seen it in action. 

DISPLACEMENT: As long as you are doing nothing other than spooking around, your presence can only be detected on the roll of a critical success. Any attack, use of powers or communication breaks the spell. No one can see you as long as being unseen is all you want to accomplish. This power may be used once every 12 hours. It lasts until you do something to ruin its function or until you are spotted.

At Mutant level or above, Displacement can be used to cause any and all attacks on a given action to miss the user. It is an at whim ability and lasts through the end of the action once activated. It may be used once every 12 hours.

At Extreme level or above, the two functions of this power can be used two times per day, at any time. For two applications, they may be deployed at the same time.

Mechanics: In its base set up, this power cost 10. At a cost of 35 points it enables the user to have continual and nearly unlimited use of the sneak around undetected ability. Should the spell be broken at any time, the user may not redeploy the power for ten actions.

IMPAIRMENT: User emits a continual distraction to perception which prevents others from targeting him for attack. As opposed to being invisible or cloaked from detection, the user’s body is emitting a bright flash or is shrouded in mists or is somehow not in the place he seems to be. Everyone knows that the user is there, however there is some sort of perceptive obstacle which needs to be overcome before they can be assaulted physically.

Mechanics: Cost is 20 points plus SAVE.

Requires persons wishing to attack the user to make two stunt rolls to hit the user. Both stunt rolls must succeed or the attacker has missed. If Impairment’s linked level is higher than the character’s normal DODGE, then both rolls use Impairment’s level as DODGE. If the user’s DODGE is higher, both rolls use DODGE as the defending level. Must be linked to a level of Champion or higher. Is primarily useful on physical attack forms and does not function against Area of Effect attacks.

WONDER VISION: Allows a person who is also invisible to see other people who are invisible, within normal perception range. Requires possession of either CLOAK or DISPLACEMENT. Effectively negates CLOAK and DISPLACEMENT for the user. User sees the Cloaked or Displaced as if they were fully visible. Cost 20 points

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