Also known as Deflector Shield or reflector
This power is a barrier of some sort,
usually conceived as being made of energy, which prevents attacks from landing
upon the user. It is a blocking force, attached to the contours of or in near
proximity to whatever it is designed to protect.
Mechanics: The base cost
of this power is 10 points plus ACT. Options and functions follow.
- Diminishing Deflection: Grants a
bonus of SAVE. Unlike a standard DEFL rating, this bonus drops for every
point of damage it receives on a given action. The defensive total
replenishes by the ACT in points each round. The number of points in this
Diminishing Deflection barrier may be increased by the SAVE in points for
an additional allocation of ACT per addition. The recharge rate may be
increased by the ACT in points for an additional allocation expense of
SAVE per addition. The maximum number of times either the base points in
the barrier can be raised or its renewal rate can be raised is equal to
the linked ACT. Points of damage absorbed by the barrier are not applied
to the user’s HTK Total. Excess damage not absorbed by the barrier is to
be applied to the user’s DEFL total and then to the user’s HTK Total, as
per standard combat procedure.
- All In Barrier: As an alternative
to the above, the barrier’s point total is simply applied to the user’s
HTK Total and STUN total. and heals
as per the user’s REC rating. This alternative option is without
allocation cost, but it does not increase the user’s REC rating. The
overall downside to this option is that any damage applied to the barrier
and its permutations, go straight to the user’s HTK Total. Only damage
directed at the user may have the user’s DEFL total applied to it. This
option may not be taken if the user is also endowed with INVULNERABILITY or ENDURANCE. (Judge’s
option: it would double the allocation cost of either of those two
- Extension: At an
allocation cost of the SAVE, the Diminishing Deflection barrier may be
projected to create a barrier around the user and his/her surrounding ACT
in meters. It can be contoured to protect selected objects and allies
within that area. Although the user is always free to launch attacks of
any kind out of his barrier, allowing other protected parties to fire
attacks out requires the user to forgo either movement or making an
attack. For an additional cost of the SAVE, the user allows attacks out of
the barrier without any sacrifice to potential activities.
- Projection: At an
allocation cost of SAVE, the user may project his Diminishing Deflection
barrier as a wall or blocking force covering an area of its ACT in square
meters to a location up to the SAVE in meters away. Using the barrier in
this manner prevents the user from deploying it as per Extension. The
range of projection may be increased by the SAVE in meters at an
allocation cost of the ACT in points per addition. The area of effect may
only be increased by the ACT once at a cost of the SAVE in points. A more
comprehensive version of this option can be found in DIRECTIONAL FORCE.
- Deflector Shield: Cost 50. This
is a barrier with a fixed number of points and is somewhat more akin to
the power SHIELD. This power attempts to intercept formats of physical
damage, either deadening the blow or causing it to glance off. Deflectors
can function two ways, as far as game mechanics are concerned.
1. Requires an
attacker to make two successful attacks to hit the target. The first is a
standard combat roll against the user’s normal DODGE. The second roll uses the
attacker’s ACC against Reflector’s power level. If either stunt roll fails, the
Reflector is said to have bounced the attack and the user takes no damage.
2. The user’s
player makes the second roll, using the power’s level as the active level and
the attacker’s ACC as the defending level. If the user’s roll succeeds, the
damage is negated. If the user’s roll fails, damage is taken against the
Diminishing Deflection total or the character’s HTK Total, as may apply.
This ability
only functions as long as the user has a positive Diminishing Deflection total.
(All in Barrier users will need to be at positive HTK and not be stunned.)
- Reflector: At an
allocation cost of 50 points, allows the user to send any damage causing
attack back at the originator. Attacks reflected do not impact the user.
Does not apply to Projection or Extension shielded areas. Player rolls two
dice at any time his character is successfully attacked. A roll of two
sixes sends the attack back at its originator, automatically striking
A. Ultra-Flect: For 100 points, this Reflection
ability works on attacks of any kind, however the impact upon the originator
will be as per standard mechanics.
B. Argosy-Flect: For another 100 points, on the roll of
double twos, double threes, double fours and double fives, the attack simply
glances off, but does not head back to the user.
- Super Reflector: Cost 75.
Allows the user to deflect projectiles which are directed at them or
anyone within MPS range. (Bullets, arrows, visible blasts of power, thrown
objects or other obvious projected attack forms.) On a roll of double
twos, double threes, double fours and double fives, the attack is
deflected away harmlessly. (It did not hit. Our user knocked it away.) On
a roll of double ones, the user suffers double the attack’s damage. On a
roll of double sixes, the attack is sent back at the originator or at any target
the user wishes. On any other roll, the attack’s damage is counted against
the user’s Diminishing Deflection total. Deployment of this ability
requires the user to sacrifice his or her next HTH Attack or Movement.
Cost is 125 without the sacrifice requirement. When acting in defense of
others, the user may deploy the power out of initiative order.
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