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Saturday, February 17, 2018

WDMA Abilities Arsenal Update

(Variable Skill Assumption)

The ability to become excellent at one skill or profession at a time. This power conveys the mental rigor, knowledge and physical aptitude to perform well in a defined skill or profession. As with our skill section, the user is free to make up what the skill or profession is called. Wild Talent can only be used to emulate one skill or profession at a time. Assuming a new skill with Wild Talent will void all abilities gained by the assumption of the previous talent, profession or skill.

Mechanics: This power cost 75 points flat. Common skills, such as baking, driving, computer use, mathematics or electronics would be rated at Super level. Common professions, such as surgeon, pilot, driver or accountant would be rated at Mutant level. Uncommon or extranormal professions, such as Spaceship Pilot, non- Euclidian Philosopher or Dragon Tamer, would be rated at Heroic. Wild Talent creates only skills and professions. It cannot create entitlements or credentials or tool sets.

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