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Saturday, March 18, 2017

WDMA Abilities Arsenal Update

Arcane assault
or impairment

The ability to project an object, item or autonomous event which in some way impairs the function of a person or area.  The ability is intended as a shorthand for several powers with the same net results, generally descriptive of the effects of mystical spells. It is also descriptive of certain diseases or impairing conditions. On the direct level, it’s causing someone’s skin to erupt with boils or some similar malady. On the indirect level, it is creating a giant flaming hand which floats about attempting to clutch and crush the life out of the user’s enemies. Or it is a created unicorn that trots around emitting a healing aura. It can also be sticky webbing blocking the way through a hallway or a floor made impassible by the appearance of a layer of flaming grease. It is the power to make something appear which then has some effect on the target. In many ways this power is similar to INHIBITOR, CREATION and ELEMENTAL CONTROL, although it is far less versatile and powerful. The effects of Arcane Assault are short term.

Mechanics:  Power is available in three varieties of magnitude.
·         Minor: This ability cost 20 points plus the linked SAVE if the ability has only one set effect. (It is always a disembodied flaming hand.)
·         Standard: It cost 50 points plus the linked SAVE if the power performs a number of related functions. (It can coat surfaces and create barriers.)
·         Major: It cost 75 points plus SAVE without limitations.  

Possession of Arcane Assault entitles the user to either a bonus of ACT to the DEFL Score or a bonus of SAVE to HTK.


·         Causes the ACT in dice of damage per action. The damage potential can be invested in a created object (the giant flaming fist) which then attacks on its own, or it can be inflicted against a target directly. Inflicted targets are entitled to a defensive roll using an applicable level (usually CON, but it can be any level the Judge decides). If the target fails his roll, he takes full damage without subtracting DEFL. (Your skin just broke out in bleeding hives.) If the target succeeds, no damage is allocated. As opposed to damage, the power could also heal or inflict tangle at the same rate.

·         Impairs movement into, out of, or through an area. Persons going into the area most roll against the power’s linked level. The roll uses the highest of SPEED, AGIL or STR as the active level and the power’s level as the defending level.

·         Impairs a target’s ability to make an attack, causing the target a minus of the ACT to the target’s Combat Stunt Roll or Initiative Roll. May also be used to cause a similar minus to a specific stunt. (Such as picking a lock.)

·         Creates HTK of SAVE for an object which causes the effect. The created object has an ACC and DODGE of Mutant. It has no DEFL score.

·         Impairs a specific function innate to the target. The effect impairs the deployment of a power or the ability to move or the target’s senses. It does not impact the target’s cognitive abilities.

·         Imparts SAVE in MPS to the created object

·         Increases area of effect by ACT in square meters. This function is limited to non damage causing functions.

The range the power may be projected is equal to the SAVE in meters.

The duration of the effect is 1-6 actions. The duration of the ability is determined randomly at the time the power is deployed.

The stunt roll to attack with this power uses a standard Combat Stunt Roll

Basic Attacks

·         Thing of Doom: Creates an object which has SAVE in HTK which can move SAVE in meters per second. Object inflicts ACT in dice of damage if it successfully attacks a target. The Thing of Doom lasts for up to 1-6 actions or until someone bashes it into pieces, whichever comes first. It may appear up to the SAVE in meters away from the user. Things of Doom can have a mass of up to that of a person, but are only able to affect one target at a time.

·         Area Impairment: Coats an area or spans a gap up to the ACT in square meters. Anyone or anything passing into, through or out of the area must succeed in a stunt roll using the highest of STR, SPEED or AGIL as the active level and the linked level as the defending level or they are held fast. (Or they have slipped and fell. Or whatever the seems the right result depending on the circumstances.) The target is entitled to a stunt roll to escape during each action he is in the area. The area impairment may be set up to the SAVE in meters away from the user and lasts 1-6 actions. The target may also choose to attack the impairing force, if evident. (A net or a swath of ice.) The Area Impairment has a Mutant DODGE and remains in place until the SAVE in damage is inflicted on it. The impairment will heal its full SAVE in HTK points each action and does so on the user’s action. The Area Impairment is visible and must appear to be something, although form does not have to follow function.

·         Bio Assault: Causes ACT in dice of damage to the target each action. Damage inflicted bypasses the target’s DEFL score. Effect lasts 1-6 actions. Living targets are entitled to a stunt roll for every action they are afflicted. The stunt roll uses CON (or another applicable basestat) as the active level and the power’s linked level as the defending level. If the target succeeds in his stunt roll, he takes no damage for that action. The duration of the effect cannot be diminished by a normal stunt roll, although it may be reduced by defensive powers such as SHIELD, FORTITUDE or ESCAPE. Persons endowed with EMPATH, CONTAINMENT or BODY CONTROL are immune to the Bio Assault. Inanimate targets are only entitled to a stunt roll to defend if they are endowed with a POWER basestat.

·         Combat Impair: Causes a reduction of the target’s initiative roll or combat stunt roll by the power’s linked ACT.  Duration may be reduced by the effects of a defensive power or by the target’s roll of any doubles. A combat roll which results in doubles ends the duration. The attack may also be used to cause a reduction in a stunt roll of another kind. It can be placed on an object or barrier to reduce the chance of anyone unlocking such or wielding it successfully.

·         Snafu Attack: Impairs one of the target’s functions, such as the ability to move, see or use a specific power. Essentially requires the target’s player to make an additional stunt roll using the applicable level (SPEED, AGIL, PERC, ACC or the impaired power’s linked level) as the active level and Arcane Assault’s level as the defending level. If the target succeeds, they may proceed with the action as per normal. If they fail, the action cannot take place, the power will not deploy or they cannot move or whatever may apply. The Snafu Attack has a physical manifestation, such as webbing or a sheaf of elastic or a cloud or a swarm of insects. This manifestation has a HTK total of SAVE and a DODGE or defensive level of Mutant. The Snafu Attack lasts 1-6 actions or until its manifestation is destroyed. Destroying a manifestation requires the target to first succeed in a stunt roll against Arcane Assault’s level and then a successful attack on the manifestation which causes in excess of the linked SAVE in points of damage.

These basic attacks can be added to and modified. Each addition delays the attack’s deployment by one action. In this case, the user is building up the Arcane Assault’s effects prior to deployment. The user may build up his attack up to the ACT in actions. Built up attacks may be held for deployment up to the SAVE in actions. The power may not otherwise be deployed if the user is either building up or holding an Arcane Assault attack. (See Note.) Each action held entitles the user to add one of the following modifications.

·         Add ACT in dice of damage to the attack or the attack invested in the created object. May also be used to add dice to tangle or heal.
·         Add to the power’s level by one level. Generally the defensive level of an impairment, but may be used on any referenced level.
·         Add ACT to the minus inflicted on a specific stunt roll.
·         Add SAVE in HTK to the created object or manifestation.
·         Increase the area of effect of an Impaired Area by ACT.
·         Increase the Range of Arcane Power’s attack by SAVE in meters.
·         Create a plus of half ACT plus one for the initial combat roll for making the attack.

Other additions cost more than one action. These additions are:

·         Add a second Basic Attack to the effect: Two actions
·         Increase the SIZE level of the created object. Two actions per level. The created object starts at Average SIZE. Two actions
·         Add an area of effect of ACT in meters to the attack of the created object or some other single target ability. Three actions 

The duration of an attack cannot normally be extended, however the attack may be prolonged by the user locking it in. Locking in essentially prolongs the duration for as long as the user likes, however the user may not deploy Arcane Assault in any way as long as he is doing so. All other Arcane Assaults launched by the user will come to an end should the user lock in. All other conditions of the attack apply with two additional provisions added (1) the user needs to make a stunt roll for every action he has the ability locked in. A roll of two ones ends the lock in. (2) If the user is stunned, knocked out or moved beyond the range of the power, the lock in also ends.

Final Bonus: Arcane Assault assumes that the ability is meant to simulate the effects of mystic spells, but this is not an imposed provision of the power. The same results could be achieved with mental powers or possession of  super scientific weaponry. If the character concept calls for it to be a spell-like arcane ability, then possession of Arcane Assault at Standard Level or better also grants the user the MAGIC POWER element Unspell. Unspell can be used against the effects of Arcane Assault. If the power is not meant to be arcane, then it is called Impairment. Possession of Impairment at Standard or better level entitles the user to free allocation of JACK OF ALL TRADES, MECHANICAL APPTITUDE or the Profession Mad Scientist at Impairment’s level.

Note: It is not intended that the user should walk into a combat with a massive spell built up that he can deploy at any time. To do this, the user would also have to be endowed with the BAG OF TRICKS ability. In this case the Bag of Tricks points would be allocated at Arcane Assault’s ACT per action the attack had been built up. Otherwise simply holding onto a spell requires a stunt roll for every action after the ACT in actions. On a roll of two ones the built up Arcane Assault fizzles.

Final Note: It does not matter much how this power appears, as long as it is consistent with the overall character concept. If the concept for this ability is somewhat limited, the price may be cut. Other than the name, Arcane Assault and Impairment are the same power. 

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